Hey You! What Song are you Listening to? NEW YORK
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Husté videjko pre tých, ktorých zaujíma, čo počúvajú "bežní" ľudia v New Yorku..
Tracklist jednotlivých ukážok:
- 1. The Bee Gees: More Than A Woman
- 2. Fenix TX: Abba Zabba
- 3. Eminem: Not Afraid
- 4. Keni Burke: Keep Rising to the Top
- 5. Beyonce: Smash Into You
- 6. LCD Soundsystem: Dance Yrself Clean
- 7. The Black Keys: Too Afraid To Love You
- 8. Kanye West: Blame Game
- 9. Kinky: Mas
- 10. Lil Wayne: Lollipop
- 11. Oasis: What's the Story Morning Glory
- 12. Frank Sinatra: The Best Is Yet To Come
- 13. Korn: Counting on Me1
- 14. Britney Spears: How I Roll
- 15. Panic! At the Disco: From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins
- 16. Kid Cudi: Day 'n' Night
- 17. Bob Marley: Buffalo Solider
- 18. Wiz Khalifa: Black & Yellow
- 19. Big Punisher: Still Not A Player
- 20. NPR2
- 21. Tub Ring: No One Wants To Play
- 22. Lady Gaga: Just Dance
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ten tipek jaky rastaman ...btw: si vsimnite ze asi 85 % ked ne 90 % opytanych ani nevedelo co pocuvaju :D ;)
Re: 4:14
jj ten rasta sa pacil aj mne a v tom co pocuval nesklamal hehe