EFDEMIN - There Will Be Singing (from new album CHICAGO)
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Efdemin (Phillip Sollmann) nedávno dokončil svoj album nazvaný "Chicago," ktorý vyšiel 24. mája na Dial Records. Pozri si video k skladbe "There Will Be Singing."
01. Cowbell
02. Shoeshine
03. Night Train
04. Oh My God
05. There Will Be Singing
06. Le Grand Voyage
07. Nothing Is Everything
08. Round Here
09. Wonderland (The Race for Space)
10. Oh My God (Reprise)
Feedback na album EFDEMIN - CHICAGO
2000 AND ONE - aaah very nice sounds in here, love it!
DOP - beautifull album. Great sound and great grooves..musical respect !
ELLEN ALIEN - very fluffig /// nice nice /// jazzy // emo // minimal / coolio sounds 5/5
FRANCK ROGER - really great album with many variances and colors, that´s´how i like it
KONRAD BLACK - Love this album!!! Superb production...more amazing Dial music... KIKI excellent!!
LAURENT GARNIER - love this release - Will present on the radio as well as will hammer some tracks in clubs -- Great stuff
LUKE SLATER - This great! I love it!
MARKUS KAVKA - wunderbares album! was für ein toller musiker der mann doch ist, mit einem unglaublichen verständnis für tiefe und atmosphäre. eins der besten artist alben seit langem!
OSUNLADE - one of my fav artists and labels..back with solid productions!!
RICHIE HAWTIN - Favorite Track: The Revenge Of The Giant Cowbell
SASCHA FUNKE - a future classic!
SEBO K - excellent album!
SETH TROXLER - im so happy to hear dial put out another great lp of timeless deep songs. bravo to efdemin
WILL SAUL - Stunning album. Love the artwork.
LAWRENCE - Album of the decade! Efdemin is number one!!

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